weddingwebWed­ding Packages

Dream­ing of a wed­ding day in a par­adise loca­tion sur­rounded by your near­est and dear­est? Lux­ury Loca­tions has all the ingre­di­ents to make your big day unique and utterly unfor­get­table. From its spec­tac­u­lar posi­tion on one of Antigua’s finest beaches, Villa Nir­vana offers unri­valled accom­mo­da­tion for up to 10 adults and two chil­dren — not to men­tion a pic­ture post­card back­drop for the all-​important photos.

Upon arrival, you will be greeted with a wel­come bas­ket of fresh fruit, cold cuts, breads and cheese along with rum punch and soft drinks. All meals dur­ing your stay are included, plus white, red and rose wine, and local beer. (Spir­its are on request; top shelf liquors may incur an addi­tional charge).

The five-​bedroom prop­erty, with daily maid ser­vice, on the island’s world-​famous South Beach is ideal for wed­ding par­ties large or small. Allow­ing us to take care of the finer details — with the full cost of the cer­e­mony included in the pack­age — means you can con­cen­trate on enjoy­ing every sec­ond of the most spe­cial day of your life. Our cre­ative team will arrange every­thing from set­ting up an ele­gant arch­way of your choice on the beach, to ensur­ing each of your guests are looked after. That includes arrival drinks, seat­ing and post-​ceremony canapés and tip­ples. We will also arrange a mag­nif­i­cent three-​course wed­ding break­fast, com­plete with table dec­o­ra­tions and flow­ers to com­ple­ment the bride’s cho­sen colours.

wedding2Light music will be played while you dine, fol­lowed by a live band from 7pm to 10pm. This is when Villa Nirvana’s splen­did lounge will be trans­formed into a sump­tu­ous space for danc­ing and an evening buffet.

Pack­age prices are US$19,000 from May to Novem­ber 2015 and US$22,000 between Decem­ber 2015 and April 2016. Monthly pay­ment terms are available.

Addi­tional accom­mo­da­tion and all inclu­sive options avail­able on request.

Optional extras

Sub­ject to avail­abil­ity plus 5% admin/​delivery charge. All costs are in EC$.

Dom Perignon 2002 696.31
Tait­tinger Pres­tige Rose Brut 259.72
Clic­quot NV 200.50
Piper-​Heidsieck Brut 127.91
Billecart-​Salmon Brut Reserve 150.71
Cre­mant Perle De Nuit 47.38
El Mir­a­cle Cava Brut 25.84
Comte De Laube Brut 17.68

One cake would feed at least 10 people.

4 inch round cake, stan­dard (two 2 inch high cakes with fill­ing), on top of a 6″ round triple (three 2 inch high cakes with fill­ing), and an orchid dec­o­ra­tion. Please note: orchid is an exam­ple only.

4 inch square, stan­dard, on top a 6 inch square, triple.

Price US$205
With­out the orchid, and just a sim­ple pat­tern US$180
Price US$220
With­out the orchid US$195

We can also arrange hair­styling, man­i­cures, pedi­cures, wax­ing, mas­sages and facials. Just let us know your requirements.