English-HarbourWel­come to Antigua

The Island of Antigua is home to a stun­ning scenery of pic­ture post­card beaches, lush veg­e­ta­tion, exotic fruits and a warm and won­der­ful peo­ple wait­ing to wel­come you. Antigua lays claim to hav­ing 365 beaches, one for every­day of the year! Most of the best beaches are located on the west side of island where they are met with the crys­tal clear warm waters of the Caribbean sea. As well as being of strate­gic impor­tance, its com­plex coast­line of safe har­bours, pro­tected by an almost unbro­ken coral reef attracted Nel­son to the island in 1784. His naval base at Eng­lish Har­bour at the extreme south­ern tip of the island was the per­fect place to hide his fleet and keep it pro­tected from vio­lent storms. It is now home to the fully restored Nel­sons Dock­yard the only geor­gian dock­yard in the world, com­plete with museum, shops hotels and restaurants.

At night you can expe­ri­ence the pow­er­ful rhythm of the trop­ics in a com­plex mix­ture of African music, Amer­i­can colour and, of course, a dash of Euro­pean flair!”

antiguathumbsThe island also hosts the inter­na­tion­ally renowned Antigua Sail­ing Week and is fast becom­ing the epi­cen­ter for sail­ing in the East­ern Caribbean. The con­stant trade-​winds and many har­bours to explore, make it an ideal loca­tion for cruis­ing or rac­ing. It also boasts an excel­lent choice of fully equipped mari­nas offer­ing a com­plete range of mod­ern facil­i­ties and marine ser­vices. Another major pas­sion of the Antiguans is of course cricket! Whether you watch an Inter­na­tional Match at the Sir Vivian Richards Sta­dium or a local game on the beach it offers you another fan­tas­tic way to soak up some Antiguan cul­ture. Whether your ideal day is spent bask­ing in the sun or enjoy­ing one of the many fun-​filled activ­i­ties on offer, be it zip-​lining through the rain­for­est or wake board­ing on the sea. Antigua can and will ful­fill your dreams as a top class Caribbean des­ti­na­tion.

If you are inter­ested in the preser­va­tion of nature and the won­ders of the nat­ural world, find out what Antigua and Bar­buda have to offer, both on the islands and around them. As well as being abound with a vari­ety of wildlife both on land and sea, the islands have uniquely retained their unspoilt nat­ural beauty, a qual­ity fast becom­ing rare in this age of mass devel­op­ment. As evening approaches you are spoilt with a fab­u­lous choice of local and inter­na­tional restau­rants to dine in, as you expe­ri­ence one of our spec­tac­u­lar sun­sets and if you’re lucky enough the mys­te­ri­ous green flash of light as you look across to the islands of Montser­rat, Guade­loupe, St Kitts and Nevis. At night you can expe­ri­ence the pow­er­ful rhythm of the trop­ics in a com­plex mix­ture of African music, Amer­i­can colour and, of course, a dash of Euro­pean flair! It can be heard as soon as the last fiery rays of sun­light dip down into the hori­zon and day gives way to night. Antigua is also eas­ily acces­si­ble with direct flights from major cities includ­ing Lon­don and Miami plus con­nec­tions to many other caribbean islands.