Con­tact Lush Locations

Lush Loca­tions Lim­ited, Har­bour View Estate, PO Box 176, Jolly Har­bour, Antigua, West Indies.

UK: (001) 268 7645874
USA: (1) 268 7645874
ANTIGUA: 268 7645874
Call Lush Loca­tions 268764 LUSH
FAX: + (268) 5611967

For Sales — sales@​lushlocations.​com
For Rentals — villas@​lushlocations.​com
For all other enquiries — info@​lushlocations.​com

If you would like more infor­ma­tion about a prop­erty, have any ques­tions, com­ments, or if you are inter­ested in sell­ing or rent­ing your prop­erty through us; please feel free to con­tact us at the phone num­ber and address below, or by e-​mail using the con­tact us form. One of our rep­re­sen­ta­tives will con­tact you within 24 hours (please allow for the time dif­fer­ences if your enquiry stems from Europe).