About Lush Locations

Whether your dream hol­i­day is bask­ing in the sun­shine on a white sandy beach with gen­tly lap­ping turquoise ocean, expe­ri­enc­ing exhil­a­rat­ing water­sports, sam­pling local cul­ture or get­ting up close and per­sonal with exotic wildlife, Antigua has it all. And with an exten­sive range of vaca­tion vil­las and apart­ments, Lush Loca­tions has some­thing to suit every bud­get, taste and requirement.


Once we’ve helped you iden­tify your ideal accom­mo­da­tion, our ser­vice doesn’t end there. Our ded­i­cated Villa Man­age­ment team in Antigua pride them­selves on mak­ing hol­i­day dreams come true. On call 24 hours a day, Villa Man­age­ment is there to ensure all your needs are cared for. With com­pre­hen­sive local knowl­edge, our staff can assist with every­thing from arrang­ing car rentals and taxis, to excur­sions and day trips, or even coor­di­nat­ing your wed­ding day.

It goes with­out say­ing that all of our prop­er­ties are scrupu­lously clean and metic­u­lously main­tained. We demand the high­est pos­si­ble stan­dards and we know you do too. Lit­tle sur­prise then that our guests con­sis­tently rate us as ‘excel­lent’ on hol­i­day home review web­site Flip­key where we have a 4.5 star rating.

Meet the Team

Nadia bw Pascale Gillis bancroft james

UK-​born Nadia has lived in Antigua, work­ing in the local prop­erty mar­ket, since 2004 and founded Villa Management/​Lush Loca­tions in 2007. Today the com­pany exclu­sively rep­re­sents some of the nation’s most exclu­sive rental properties.
Chief Oper­at­ing Man­ager

Born and raised in Africa, Pas­cale moved to Antigua in Octo­ber 1998. A stint in bar work was fol­lowed by an admin­is­tra­tive posi­tion at the Big Banana group where she rose through the ranks to become exec­u­tive assis­tant. Pas­cale joined the helm of our team in Octo­ber 2013.
Main­te­nance Con­trac­tor
With 25 years’ expe­ri­ence in the main­te­nance field, we were delighted to add Ban­croft James to our team in Jan­u­ary 2015. And his warm per­son­al­ity has already made him a pop­u­lar fig­ure among our guests. Antigua-​born and raised, Ban­croft has spent more than two decades tak­ing care of the main­te­nance and upkeep of numer­ous high-​end prop­er­ties for some of the island’s most afflu­ent residents.