Des­per­ado Blue Waters $10,000.00/Month

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Desperado Blue Waters


Beds 5
Baths 5


An abun­dance of space, jaw-​dropping ocean views and superb styling give this uber con­tem­po­rary five-​bedroom home its edge.
Des­per­ado enjoys an excep­tional ele­vated loca­tion over­look­ing Antigua’s north coast and the acclaimed Blue Waters Resort & Spa.
This clev­erly designed split-​level prop­erty pos­sesses an unre­lent­ing style of dark wood fix­tures and fur­nish­ings and an absence of fuss and frip­pery, allow­ing the proud new occu­pier full capac­ity to put their own stamp on the place.
The open-​plan inte­rior includes a fab­u­lous kitchen with vast cen­tre island, styl­ish deep-​toned units and con­tem­po­rary chrome appli­ances. There is a din­ing area to one side with a table for eight. Three steps lead to the lounge which has ebony-​coloured low leather sofas.
High wooden vaulted ceil­ings and plenty of large win­dows allow nat­ural light and breeze to flow through the prop­erty.
All five bed­rooms are generously-​sized and have tele­vi­sion sets and en-​suites. The mas­ter suite boasts an enor­mous en-​suite with two side-​by-​side rain­fall show­ers, a sky­light and win­dows look­ing out over the sea. There is an exten­sive walk-​in closet with stor­age areas for clothes, shoes and acces­sories.
Desperado’s deep tones are off­set by occa­sional pops of colour – from a soli­tary tan­ger­ine wall to the fuch­sia bougainvil­lea against a white exte­rior wall.
Wide glass doors lead from the liv­ing area onto a sweep­ing veran­dah kit­ted out with sleek chrome out­door fur­ni­ture for relax­ation. The swim­ming pool is fringed by a sun­deck and addi­tional shaded area.
The panoramic views and the prox­im­ity of the beach, just a short walk down the hill, are the icing on the cake.

Exte­rior Ameni­ties
  • Swim­ming Pool
  • Open Deck
  • Cov­ered Patio

Addi­tional Info

Beds: 5
Baths: 5

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