Pearns Bay House $45,500.00/Week

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Pearns Bay House


Beds 6
Baths 5


Pearns Bay House is a six-​bedroom lux­ury villa within one of the Caribbean’s most excit­ing new lux­ury devel­op­ments; sit­u­ated on the Pearns Point penin­sula and extended along Antigua’s west coast.

The inte­rior of the villa is the cre­ative vision of Piet Boon. His designs are recog­nised world­wide for their excep­tional crafts­man­ship, qual­ity and sophis­ti­ca­tion. The prop­erty is spa­cious and mod­ern and each room is beau­ti­fully fur­nished with high-​end fit­tings, fix­tures and fur­ni­ture from the Piet Boon col­lec­tion. The tow­els and lux­ury linens were also com­mis­sioned from Piet Boon exclu­sively for Pearns Bay House.

The com­mu­nal areas include a well-​equipped gym, a stun­ning infin­ity pool, and a media room con­tain­ing a 75inch Apple TV. A short path and less than a minute’s walk will lead you straight to a secluded beach where the crys­tal clear turquoise ocean meets the powder-​soft white sands.

From the moment you arrive on the glo­ri­ous island of Antigua our staff will be avail­able as much or as lit­tle as you desire. Air­port trans­fers are included and a hire car will be organ­ised and wait­ing for you at the villa on arrival. You will have a full-​time chef, house­keeper and concierge at your disposal.

Bespoke menus designed by highly trained chefs will be agreed in advance to ensure all your dietary require­ments and indul­gences are ful­filled. Alter­na­tively, if you pre­fer to cook for your­self, then your required ingre­di­ents can be sourced and deliv­ered before you are left to your own culi­nary devices. If you are inter­ested in expe­ri­enc­ing the local culi­nary scene instead, the concierge can han­dle any rec­om­men­da­tions and bookings.

Whether you want to spend your days out explor­ing the beau­ti­ful island of Antigua or sim­ply relax in the com­fort of your lux­u­ri­ous villa and be waited on hand and foot, your wish is our command.


With it’s spec­tac­u­lar sea views and it’s secluded loca­tion, this villa has been built with locally sourced mate­ri­als wher­ever pos­si­ble and designed to blend seam­lessly into the beau­ti­ful coastline.

If you are look­ing for a hol­i­day, which com­bines the elite ser­vice of a five star hotel with the pri­vacy and inde­pen­dence of hir­ing a pri­vate villa, then Pearns Bay House is the per­fect lux­ury loca­tion from which you can dis­cover the best the Caribbean has to offer.

Addi­tional Information:

At Pearns Bay House, with your guid­ance we will endeav­our to cre­ate the per­fect bespoke hol­i­day pack­age to not just meet, but sur­pass your expectations.

Before you even set foot on the island of Antigua, highly effi­cient staff, who have exten­sive knowl­edge of every­thing the island has to offer, will be on hand to organ­ise your trip, ensur­ing your every whim is indulged.

If you have spe­cific require­ments, which you can­not see listed here, includ­ing child care ser­vices, per­sonal dri­ver, or addi­tional secu­rity, please con­tact us directly with your enquiries.

Web­site Link Here

With six king size bed­rooms includ­ing one in a sep­a­rate cot­tage, all with their own pri­vate bath­rooms and spec­tac­u­lar ocean views, twelve guests can be com­fort­ably accom­mo­dated in this secluded paradise.

Six king­size, ensuite bed­rooms.
Infin­ity pool with daybeds
Full time chef
Daily maid ser­vice
24hour secu­rity

Air­port trans­fers included
Car hire included
Two yoga decks

Beach bags and mats
Pad­dle boards
Snorkel equip­ment
Life jack­ets
Media room with 75inch Apple TV
Office with wire­less printer
Salon qual­ity Par­alux hair dry­ers in every room
Two sets of GHD hair straight­en­ers pro­vided
Mid-​week bed linen change
Towel change when nec­es­sary
Toi­letries pro­vided by Bath House – Arti­sans of Nat­ural Beauty.
Locally pro­duced Carib Bean Cof­fee, and Arti­sanal Teas pro­vided.
Freshly squeezed veg­etable and fruit juices pro­vided.
A twice daily offer­ing of home made cakes and cook­ies, baked by your per­sonal chef provided.

Sea­sonal Prices based on 8 guests

Please note min­i­mum stay:

From 11 Feb­ru­ary – 14 May — (4 nights min­i­mum).
From 15 May — 17th Decem­ber — (5 nights min­i­mum).
From 18 Decem­ber – 3 Jan­u­ary — (7 nights minimum).

“Rental rates include gov­ern­ment taxes of 12.5%”

Low Sea­son
May 15 — Nov 15
High Sea­son
Nov 15 — May 14
Dec 18 — Jan 3
US$ 45,500.00 per week US$ 52,500.00 per week US$ 70,000.00 per week



Gen­eral Ameni­ties
  • Cable TV
  • Inter­net
Exte­rior Ameni­ties
  • Swim­ming Pool
  • Land­scap­ing
  • Open Deck

Addi­tional Info

Beds: 6
Baths: 5

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