Villa Sugar Mill $15,000.00/Week

Images (14)

Villa Sugar Mill


Beds 6
Baths 5


Villa Sugar Mill is the jewel of Gal­ley Bay Heights, perched on the west coast of Antigua with its spec­tac­u­lar views of Deep Bay and beyond to the Caribbean sea.

The villa pro­vides over 10,000 square feet of liv­ing space spread over four lev­els, lux­u­ri­ously equipped to ensure your every desire is met. Villa Sugar Mill is the only villa in Gal­ley Bay Heights with pri­vate access directly to the beach.

The villa is clad with a hand crafted nat­ural stone. It is bor­dered by a beau­ti­ful gar­den with a vari­ety of native palms and var­i­ous trop­i­cal flow­ers, which extend on to two roof gar­dens, home to hum­ming birds and other local fauna, and which extends down to the beach.

There are five dou­ble bed­rooms, all of which offer pri­vate veran­dahs with breath­tak­ing views over Deep Bay and the sea. There is an addi­tional twin room located on the sec­ond level. All the bed­rooms have pri­vate bath­rooms, ceil­ing fans, a/​c and spa­cious walk-​in wardrobes.

Three of the bed­rooms are located on the ground floor, two on the lower floor and one in the roman­tic cot­tage below.

The entrance opens out into a glo­ri­ously spa­cious liv­ing area with over sized sofas look­ing out over the deck­ing and infin­ity pool to the bay views and ocean beyond. The kitchen to one side is very well equipped with pro­fes­sional qual­ity stain­less steel appli­ances and a beau­ti­ful and func­tional island topped in Ital­ian mar­ble, hous­ing a six burner-​cooking hob. Its fea­tures cus­tom made cab­i­nets, which were crafted in Italy and Sub­Zero fridges and wine cooler. The cir­cu­lar din­ing area is near the kitchen, to the side of the liv­ing area and seats 10 comfortably.

Out­side, there is a large area of deck­ing which incor­po­rates an infin­ity pool and Jacuzzi with ample room for sun loungers, com­fort­able seat­ing and sofas to soak up the views and enjoy the sun­shine. An out­side table for 14 allows for al fresco din­ing on the veran­dah which also fea­tures a stain­less steel BBQ, cock­tail bar and its own drink fridge and sink.

Off the main liv­ing area is a media room, with a 60” Plasma HDTV tele­vi­sion with BOSE sound sys­tem and also an Apple Air­port Express music sys­tem, which is linked to mul­ti­ple speak­ers in the main liv­ing area and the out­side deck.

Sea­sonal Prices

Rooms/​Guests Nov.15 — May 14 Dec.22 — Jan.5 May 18 — Nov.14
3 bed — sleeps 16 US$ 15,000.00 p.week US$ 20,000.00 p.week US$ 10,000.00 p.week
US$ 2,142.85 p.night US$ 2,857.14 p.night US$ 1,428.57 p.night
6 bed — sleeps 712 US$ 20,000.00 p.week US$ 25,000.00 p.week US$ 15,000.00 p.week
US$ 2,857,14 p.night US$ 3,571.42 p.night US$ 2,142.85 p.night



Exte­rior Ameni­ties
  • Swim­ming Pool
  • Open Deck
  • Cov­ered Patio
  • Spa/​Hot Tub

Addi­tional Info

Beds: 6
Baths: 5

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