St. Anne’s Point $21,000.00/Week

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St. Anne's  Point
Beds 5
Baths 5


Set on 1.5 acres on a har­bour­side promon­tory, St Anne’s Point is built upon a 200-​year-​old can­non plat­form which was con­structed by the Royal Artillery engi­neers to take advan­tage of the sweep­ing 270 degree field of fire across Fal­mouth Har­bour.

The stone base forms the ground floor of the Great House which has been rebuilt in the style of a Geor­gian mar­itime res­i­dence with wooden shin­gle roof set with dormer win­dows and balconies.

Wooden lou­vred win­dows and doors open out onto the 120 ft gallery which is sit­u­ated at mega yacht mast height over­look­ing the entrance chan­nels to Fal­mouth Harbour’s three mari­nas.

The sig­nal tower has been rebuilt as an obser­va­tion post; the pow­der mag­a­zine now stores sun loungers instead of can­non shot and the sta­bles have been replaced with a spa­cious self-​contained guest cottage.

From the moment you ascend the stone steps to the main entrance hall with its views to the har­bour entrance until you switch off the bed­room lights and the twin­kling mast lights stand out, you are con­stantly aware of the mar­itime panorama that sur­rounds you.

The great room has a 25 ft high vaulted roof and pro­vides 1,500 sq. ft. of liv­ing and enter­tain­ing space. The north fac­ing gallery is shaded all day and is cooled by the pre­vail­ing north east­erly winds. From the gallery there are stun­ning views across the Caribbean Sea, as well as access to an out­door kitchen and din­ing pavilion.

In the Great House there are three bed­rooms. The won­der­fully spa­cious mas­ter suite is on the upper level and as well as an en-​suite it has a break­fast and sun­set bal­cony, one on either side of the room to catch both sun­rises and sun­sets. Bed­rooms two and three each have an en-​suite and doors onto the north fac­ing gallery.

In the cot­tage there is a lovely spa­cious liv­ing area with doors lead­ing to a delight­ful ter­race with fab­u­lous views across the har­bour. There are two bed­rooms with doors out to a shared veran­dah and each has an en-​suite. It also has a garage, util­ity room and gen­er­a­tor room. The west entrance leads onto an open deck with a cov­ered out­side kitchen and din­ing pavilion.

Tak­ing the steps down to the pool deck you can lounge by the 50 ft pool or shel­ter from the sun’s rays in the raised gazebo.


Low sea­son dates are from 15th May to 15th Novem­ber.
High sea­son dates are from 16th Novem­ber to 14th May.

High Sea­son 5 bed­rooms US$28,000 US$47,600 US$63,000
Low Sea­son 5 bed­rooms US$21,000 US$35,700 US$47,250
High Sea­son 3 Bed­rooms US$16,800 US$28,560 US$37,800
Low Sea­son 3 Bed­rooms US$12,600 US$21,420 US$28,350
Christmas/​New Year, RORC Caribbean 600, Antigua Clas­sic Yacht Regatta and Antigua Sail­ing Week — min­i­mum two week rental applies or a spe­cial rate can be discussed.



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Beds: 5
Baths: 5

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