Villa Cham­pagne $13,782.00/Week

Images (18)

Villa Champagne


Beds 5
Baths 5


This lux­ury villa sit­u­ated on Antigua’s north coast is one of the island’s best-​kept secrets. Villa Cham­pagne is a truly spec­tac­u­lar trop­i­cal get­away, located within the gated com­mu­nity of Gal­ley Bay Heights. Sur­rounded by lush veg­e­ta­tion, it boasts mag­nif­i­cent panoramic views of the ocean from all the rooms.

Designed in 2009 it has been ren­o­vated to reflect a mod­ern way of life. The high ceil­ings, open beams, large white walls and a fresh palate, means the villa with it’s over-​sized light fix­tures and stain­less steel appli­ances is a lux­u­ri­ously mod­ern haven. Com­bin­ing this sim­plic­ity and sophis­ti­ca­tion with unique art-​work depict­ing the cul­ture and aura of the Caribbean it has man­aged to retain a sophis­ti­cated island-​style charm.

So if you are look­ing for a villa rental in Antigua, whether it be a roman­tic retreat, a child-​friendly villa, a beach lover’s par­adise, or just the most beau­ti­ful get­away far from the crowds, you have found your location.


5 en-​suite bed­rooms
Daily Maid ser­vice
Full concierge ser­vice
Pri­vate swim­ming pool
Sun Loungers
Media Room includ­ing pro­jec­tor
Air Con­di­tion­ing
Cable TV
Ceil­ing Fans
Beach – walk­ing distance


Villa Cham­pagne is located on the west coast within a com­mu­nity of high-​end homes, one of which is owned by the impres­sive Gior­gio Armani. This lux­ury villa is flanked by the Gal­ley Bay resort on one side, and The Roy­al­ton on the other, mean­ing the bar and restau­rant facil­i­ties of these impres­sive hotels is only a short walk away.

Gal­ley Bay Heights is located just five min­utes from St John’s, the cap­i­tal of Antigua you can also take advan­tage of an array of fresh fruit mar­kets and the duty free dis­trict, which is to be found at St John’s Her­itage Quay and Recliffe Quay.

There is a small, secluded beach in walk­ing dis­tance from Villa Cham­pagne and if you wanted to char­ter a boat they are able to arrange pick up from this loca­tion. From this smaller beach you could also swim across to Deep Bay, which is the beach you can see from your bal­cony. At the entrance to Deep Bay there is a sunken ship, so if you’re keen on snorkelling and scuba div­ing this is the per­fect spot for you.

Straight across from the villa you can see the ruins of Fort Bar­ring­ton and if you are inter­ested in explor­ing nature and tak­ing in a lit­tle his­tory we can help with the organ­i­sa­tion of a hik­ing tour.


On site staff include: house­keep­ers, pool staff, and a gar­dener, but if you are inter­ested in employ­ing a per­sonal chef, pri­vate but­ler ser­vice, or child­care ser­vices dur­ing your stay at Villa Cham­pagne, this can be arranged at an addi­tional cost.

Here at Lux­ury Loca­tions we are happy to help with book­ing or advice on air­port trans­fers, car hire and tours or activ­i­ties you are inter­ested in tak­ing part in dur­ing your stay. It is always best to book in advance, espe­cially dur­ing the busy sea­son, so if you require assis­tance dis­cov­er­ing the island just get in touch with us directly and one of our knowl­edge­able team mem­bers at Lux­ury Loca­tions, will do their very best to help with the organ­i­sa­tion of your trip.

On arrival at your rental prop­erty one of our Lux­ury Loca­tions team will be wait­ing to wel­come you and answer any ques­tions you may have about the rental facil­i­ties or prop­erty instruc­tions. A wel­come pack will also be pro­vided con­tain­ing a selec­tion of bev­er­ages and snacks.

Smok­ing is per­mit­ted in out­side areas only.

“Rental rates include gov­ern­ment taxes of 12.5%”

Sea­sonal Prices

15.May — 15.Nov. 16.Nov. — 14.May Christmas/​Sailing Week
US$ 1,969.00 per night US$ 2,813.00 per night US$ 3,938.00 per night
US$ 13,782.00 per week US$ 19,688.00 per week US$ 27,563.00 per week



Gen­eral Ameni­ties
  • Cable TV
    Exte­rior Ameni­ties
    • Swim­ming Pool
    • Land­scap­ing
    • Open Deck
    • Cov­ered Patio

    Addi­tional Info

    Beds: 5
    Baths: 5

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    The copy­right in this web­site and its con­tent belong to Lush Loca­tions — a Villa Man­age­ment run wes­bite. You may not make a per­ma­nent copy of or repro­duce this web­site or any of its con­tents in any form. You may not repro­duce or incor­po­rate this web­site or any of its con­tents into any other web­site. You may only print or cache tem­po­rary copies od the con­tent for your own per­sonal non-​commercial use.