Villa Nico­bar $6,650.00/Week

Images (9)

  Villa Nicobar


Beds 5
Baths 5


This villa has 4 dou­ble bed­rooms and one sin­gle, sleep­ing 9 peo­ple and extends over 7,500 sq/​ft. The most lux­u­ri­ous prod­ucts have been used, sourced through­out Europe by an inter­na­tional inte­rior designer. It has a spec­tac­u­lar open plan sitting/​dining room lead­ing out to a spa­cious veranda with a 10 seat teak table for al– fresco eat­ing. The large ter­race, jacuzzi and infin­ity pool are located beyond allow­ing the most amaz­ing views of the Caribbean Sea.

The Great Room is fit­ted with a flat screen TV and a BOSE sound sys­tem which is wired to the kitchen, ter­race and mas­ter bed­room. There is also a Nin­tendo Wii games console.The eight seat maple din­ing table inge­niously flips over to become a snooker table with a deep Caribbean blue baize.

All bed­rooms are en-​suite with walk in rain show­ers and have their own veran­das and views over the Caribbean. The bed­rooms have both ceil­ing fans and air con­di­tion­ing and most have walk in wardrobes. The mas­ter suite has a large walk in shower and a dou­ble ended jacuzzi bath. Bath prod­ucts are by Cow Shed as found in Vir­gin Upper Class. The atten­tion to detail is sec­ond to none, from the under­ground rock wine cel­lar to the designer Ital­ian kitchen with gran­ite sur­faces. The gar­den in planted with palms and trop­i­cal fruit trees includ­ing mango, lime and bananas.

This villa is staffed by Mearl who brings her own bit of Caribbean sun­shine. Mearl is great with chil­dren as she pre­vi­ously ran the children’s club for a hotel on the island. Villa Nico­bar is arguably the most styl­ish prop­erty in Antigua; with Gior­gio Armani as a neigh­bour you would expect noth­ing less. The five star Gal­ley Bay Resort is within walk­ing dis­tance and Deep Bay, one of Antigua’s most beau­ti­ful beaches, is close by, but if that’s not to your lik­ing there are another 364!

Near­est Bar/​Restaurant: 5 min­utes’ walk
Near­est Super­mar­ket: 5 min­utes’ walk
Accom­mo­da­tion Type: Self Cater­ing
Theme: Hol­i­day Com­plex
Air Con­di­tion­ing: Yes
Water: Pri­vate water sup­ply
Near­est Air­port: 25 min­utes’ drive


Low Sea­son
High Sea­son
Christ­mas /​Sail­ing Week
US$ 6,650.00 US$ 10,080.00 US$ 24,500.00



Gen­eral Ameni­ties
  • Cable TV
    Inte­rior Ameni­ties
    • Cen­tral Air
    • Bur­glar Alarm
    Exte­rior Ameni­ties
    • Swim­ming Pool
    • Garage
    • Land­scap­ing
    • Open Deck
    • Cov­ered Patio
    • Spa/​Hot Tub

    Addi­tional Info

    Beds: 5
    Baths: 5

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