Villa Azura $5,600.00/Week

Images (18)

  Villa Azura


Beds 3
Baths 3
Ft2 7,500
Lot Acres 1.8


Villa Azura has a large liv­ing room with plenty of com­fort­able seat­ing and french doors that open fully onto a cov­ered veran­dah, swim­ming pool and sea view beyond. There is a sunken den area next to this designed for relax­ing, watch­ing TV and using the internet.

The swim­ming pool has an infin­ity edge along the sea line and is sur­rounded by all weather sun loungers. Next to the pool is a gazebo with a day bed and other seat­ing. The veran­dah cov­ered din­ing area has views both onto a pri­vate walled gar­den and to the pool and sea. The teak din­ing table seats up to 8 guests and is con­nected to the kitchen by a serv­ing hatch.

The kitchen is fully equipped with dou­ble door fridge freezer, gas cooker and dish­washer.

Each bed­room has been fur­nished with an award-​winning eco friendly Evening Breeze bed. These spe­cially designed canopy 4-​poster beds allow for full cli­mate con­trol and pro­vide a superb sleep­ing expe­ri­ence. This means the bed area within the mos­quito net can be air con­di­tioned while still per­mit­ting the lou­vred win­dows to be left open. Of the 3 bed­rooms, two have king­size beds and one has twin beds that can slide together to cre­ate a fur­ther king­size bed. There is an inter­con­nect­ing door between two of the bed­rooms. Each bed­room has its own per­gola cov­ered patio over­look­ing the sea as well as en-​suite bath­room and out­door walled and trop­i­cal planted rain shower area.

Above the veran­dah there is a pri­vate sun ter­race for enjoy­ing evening cock­tails whilst watch­ing the sun­set fol­lowed by stargaz­ing. All inte­rior walls have been plas­tered using the envi­ron­men­tally friendly Amer­i­can Clay. This 100% nat­ural and non-​toxic plas­ter ‘breathes’ with changes in tem­per­a­ture and humid­ity.

Villa Azura is sur­rounded by a land­scaped gar­den exten­sively planted with a vari­ety of trop­i­cal plants, trees and fruit trees. There is park­ing for sev­eral cars as well as a per­gola cov­ered park­ing space.

Villa Azura is staffed by a house man­ager, house­keeper and gar­dener. The house man­ager lives locally and will meet and greet guests upon arrival. The house­keeper works 5 days a week as does the gar­dener. There is a pool main­te­nance ser­vice once a week. A cook or chef can be arranged if required as can house provisioning.

Villa Azura’s built area is approx 7,500 square feet of which 4,000 square feet is cov­ered, 1.8 Acres of land.



Low Sea­son

High Sea­son
Christ­mas /​Sail­ing Week
4 US$3,500.00 US$4,900.00 US$8,400.00
6 US$5,600.00 US$7,000.00 US$8,400.00

Remote con­trolled elec­tric entrance gate
Ceil­ing fans in every liv­ing room
Evening Breeze air-​conditioned beds
Mos­quito screens in lou­vred win­dows and doors
Fit­ted mos­quito nets for all beds
Wi-​fi inter­net
Tele­phone for local calls
Flat screen tele­vi­sion with cable TV sub­scrip­tion
DVD player
iPod dock­ing sta­tion
Fully equipped kitchen and pantry
Amer­i­can range cooker
Refrig­er­a­tor /​freezer
Cof­fee machine
Amer­i­can top loader wash­ing machine and dryer
Iron and iron­ing board
Hair dry­ers
110v elec­tric­ity with 110v/​220v in kitchen
All linen and tow­els pro­vided includ­ing beach tow­els
Solar hot water


Gen­eral Ameni­ties
  • Cable TV
  • Air Con
  • Inter­net
Exte­rior Ameni­ties
  • Swim­ming Pool
  • Open Deck
  • Cov­ered Patio

Addi­tional Info

Beds: 3
Baths: 3
Ft2: 7,500
Lot Acres: 1.8

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