The Mill House $5,063.00/Week

Images (25)

 The Mill House


Beds 5
Baths 5


The inte­rior of this beau­ti­ful water­front villa is charm­ingly fur­nished and has a rus­tic, homely feel. It’s quirky unique design means that the mas­ter suite is sep­a­rated from the main house and an exte­rior stair­case, will take you down to the pri­vate pool.

The rest of the bed­rooms are sit­u­ated in the main house and the two sump­tu­ous dou­ble bed­rooms, have en-​suite bath­rooms. The fourth bed­room con­tains the 3 sets of bunk beds, two of which have a dou­ble bed at the bot­tom and this room is also en-​suite. The final bed­room does not have an en-​suite but has 2 sets of bunk beds. The spa­cious design and the sleep­ing arrange­ments mean that this villa is the per­fect spot for an extended fam­ily hol­i­day event or a group trip.

The Mill House boasts a fully fit­ted exte­rior shel­tered kitchen and a bar area. The exten­sive out­door liv­ing area pro­vides an excel­lent loca­tion for al fresco din­ing, relax­ing on the sun loungers or cool­ing down in the vil­las pri­vate pool. The secluded pool area is sur­rounded by an array of colour­ful trop­i­cal flow­ers and plants and a stone wall with arch­ways lead­ing onto the outer deck area.

This gor­geous villa is per­fect for bask­ing in the Caribbean sun­shine and tak­ing in the spec­tac­u­lar show of colours as the sun sets in the evening.


Huge Dou­ble mas­ter suite
2nd Dou­ble bed­room
3rd Dou­ble bed­room
4th Bed­room — 3 sets of bunk beds
5th Bed­room 2 sets of bunk beds
Pri­vate Pool
Cov­ered exte­rior bar
Cov­ered exte­rior kitchen
Gated com­mu­nity
24 Hour Secu­rity
Maid Ser­vice
Boat dock
Beach – walk­ing dis­tance
Air Con­di­tion­ing
Wash­ing Machine


The Mill House is a fan­tas­tic water­front villa superbly posi­tioned to guar­an­tee max­i­mum enjoy­ment from your Antiguan vaca­tion. Set on beau­ti­ful wooden deck­ing on the water­front of Jolly Har­bour the villa boasts stun­ning views across to The Sleep­ing Indian Hills in the distance.

Jolly Har­bour is the per­fect Caribbean hol­i­day des­ti­na­tion. It is a thriv­ing resort vil­lage with a wide range of facil­i­ties within the gated com­mu­nity sit­u­ated on Antigua’s famed west coast. Along with a vari­ety of bars and restau­rants, you will find an inter­na­tional super­mar­ket, phar­macy, bank, sou­venir shops, gym and sports cen­tre, an Olympic sized swim­ming pool, ten­nis and squash courts and The Jolly Har­bour Golf Club which has an 18-​hole cham­pi­onship course.

It is also home to some of the island’s most prized beaches, includ­ing Jolly Beach, one of the longest and widest beaches on the island, and a truly idyl­lic white sand beach lapped by the per­fectly clear aqua­ma­rine Caribbean Sea.


Boats are accepted but please inform Lux­ury Loca­tions in advance if you would like to take advan­tage of this.

On arrival at your rental prop­erty one of our Lux­ury Loca­tions team will be wait­ing to wel­come you and answer any ques­tions you may have about the rental facil­i­ties or prop­erty instruc­tions. A wel­come pack will also be pro­vided con­tain­ing a selec­tion of bev­er­ages and snacks.

Smok­ing is per­mit­ted in out­side areas only.

Here at Lux­ury Loca­tions we are happy to help with book­ing or advice on air­port trans­fers, car hire and tours or activ­i­ties you are inter­ested in tak­ing part in dur­ing your stay. It is always best to book in advance, espe­cially dur­ing the busy sea­son, so just get in touch with us directly and one of our knowl­edge­able team mem­bers at Lux­ury Loca­tions, will do their very best to help with the organ­i­sa­tion of your trip.

“Rental rates include gov­ern­ment taxes of 12.5%”


Low Sea­son

High Sea­son

Christmas/​Sailing Week

US$ 5,063.00

US$ 6,750.00

US$ 8,438.00



Gen­eral Ameni­ties
  • Cable TV
  • Air Con
  • Inter­net
Exte­rior Ameni­ties
  • Swim­ming Pool
  • Open Deck
  • Cov­ered Patio
  • Boat Slip
  • Gazebo

Addi­tional Info

Beds: 5
Baths: 5

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