Villa Sull Oceano $12,900.00/Week

Images (13)

  Villa Sull Oceano


Beds 4
Baths 4
Ft2 7,000
Lot Size 12,000
Lot Acres 0.26


This spa­cious beach­front villa is sit­u­ated in a quiet posi­tion on a beau­ti­ful white sand beach just a few steps away from the calm turquoise Caribbean Sea, lap­ping gen­tly along the shore. Recently built, great care has been taken to achieve per­fec­tion, from the very taste­ful mix of con­tem­po­rary and roman­tic designs, the high stan­dard of fur­nish­ings, to the spa­cious and gen­er­ous lay­out giv­ing max­i­mum pri­vacy to all of the four air-​conditioned bed­rooms with en-​suite bathrooms.

Spec­tac­u­lar views across the Caribbean Sea can be enjoyed from the liv­ing room, veran­dah, roof top ter­race pool and mas­ter bedroom.

As you enter the spa­cious, ele­gant entrance into the foyer, there is access to one of the guest bed­rooms to your left. From here you walk directly into the light and airy lounge area to your right and the fully equipped kitchen on your left. This kitchen has every­thing you could pos­si­bly want and just that lit­tle bit more — from ice­mak­ers to a wine cooler, enough ovens to have a small ban­quet and lots of stor­age space for groceries.

In the lounge there is a 63-​inch plasma TV with full sur­round sound and cable TV, along with a stereo sys­tem with iPod dock­ing sta­tion. From this liv­ing area there is a cor­ri­dor that leads you to two fur­ther guest rooms, both with styl­ish en-​suite bath­rooms and pri­vate ter­races. The mas­ter bed­room and bath­room are located at the front of the house through another cor­ri­dor. The mas­ter bed­room is hexag­o­nally shaped with views all around. The bed has a TV that comes up from the frame for your view­ing plea­sure then down when you have fin­ished. The mas­ter bath­room is absolutely exquis­ite with two show­ers, lots of space and a won­der­ful, relax­ing tub that is just call­ing out for bub­bles and candles!

The liv­ing room and kitchen patio doors open up com­pletely so that you have con­tin­u­ally unin­ter­rupted sea views. The cov­ered ter­race has a din­ing table for eight peo­ple and a large day bed with com­fort­able cush­ions for relax­ing after a hard day sight-​seeing. The pool has a Jacuzzi area and four bar stools for cock­tails in the pool. Upstairs you will find a spa­cious sun ter­race for sun­bathing in pri­vate or casual sun­set drinks. The BBQ is fully equipped with sink, ice cooler and fridge plus lots of stor­age and prepa­ra­tion space.

Villa Sull Oceano is located just a few min­utes walk from the pop­u­lar Cast­aways bar and restau­rant, and Jolly Harbour’s com­mer­cial cen­tre with well-​stocked super­mar­ket, shops, golf course, phar­macy, bank, and hair and beauty salon.

SEA­SONAL PRICES — per week — 20172018

Low Sea­son
15 May — 15 Nov
US$ 12,900.00
High Sea­son
16 Nov — 14 May US$ 15,900.00
US$ 18,000.00
Sail­ing Week 2018
28 Apr - 4May US$ 21,900.00
Christ­mas 18 Dec — 3 Jan
US$ 21,900.00


Gen­eral Ameni­ties
  • Cable TV
  • Air Con
  • Inter­net
Exte­rior Ameni­ties
  • Swim­ming Pool
  • Garage
  • Land­scap­ing
  • Open Deck
  • Cov­ered Patio
  • Boat Slip
  • Spa/​Hot Tub

Addi­tional Info

Beds: 4
Baths: 4
Ft2: 7,000
Lot Size: 12,000
Lot Acres: 0.26

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