Carib House $5,160.00/Week

Images (23)

  Carib House


Beds 5
Baths 4
Lot Acres 2
Year Built 1999


The Carib House is a spa­cious, stun­ning Caribbean colo­nial style villa which can eas­ily accom­mo­date groups of up to 10 people.

Located on the south coast of Antigua, very close to the entrance of Fal­mouth Har­bour and only 5 min­utes off the main road, it really is the per­fect place for a get-​away hol­i­day, hon­ey­moon, or a small con­fer­ence or func­tion. It is also an ideal venue for inti­mate wed­ding recep­tions for around 2080 peo­ple with its spa­cious liv­ing and enter­tain­ing areas. Why not con­sider book­ing The Carib House for your spe­cial events such as grad­u­a­tion cel­e­bra­tions or fam­ily reunions. This spec­tac­u­lar villa is avail­able all year round for rental, even dur­ing all of the annual world renown events, in Antigua, such as Car­ni­val, Antigua Clas­sic Yacht and Sail­ing Week Regat­tas.

Com­pris­ing a total of five gen­er­ous dou­ble bed­rooms, all screened and with ceil­ing fans, our lux­ury villa can be rented as a whole, or as a 5 bed­room villa.

A long gravel dri­ve­way winds up through the lush, trop­i­cal gar­dens lead­ing to a grand entrance, fea­tur­ing a beau­ti­ful date palm in the cen­tre and banana palms on each side. When you enter the main house there is a lush, spa­cious indoor sit­ting room with games area and open plan kitchen.

Equipped with all the essen­tials, this open plan kitchen area com­pris­ing of stun­ning pol­ished mahogany work sur­faces, a cen­tral island with 4 inset burner, a large hot­plate, stain­less steel range with over­head pot hanger, and fruit and veg­etable stor­age bins, is per­fect and has all that any dis­cern­ing chef would need.

There is a very cosy break­fast bar which seats up to 6 peo­ple and could also be used for buf­fets.

The main din­ing area has com­fort­able seat­ing for 10 around an Indone­sian teak din­ing table over­look­ing the pool with fab­u­lous views of the Caribbean Sea and Fal­mouth Har­bour.

There is also a won­der­ful spa­cious out­door seat­ing area with com­fort­able, large colo­nial style wicker fur­ni­ture, over­look­ing the pool area.

Dec­o­rated for com­fort, the mas­ter bed­room is fur­nished with a large king size bed, large wicker chairs and ceil­ing fan, it has an en-​suite bath­room fea­tur­ing nat­ural stone dou­ble show­ers, a dress­ing room, and its own bal­cony with spec­tac­u­lar views. Within the main house and entered from the same level there are 3 bed­rooms, all spa­cious, airy, and mosquito-​screened, with wooden lou­vered win­dows and setup with either a king size or twin beds. Bed­room five, has a beau­ti­ful hand­made mahogany desk and views across to Pigeon beach on Fal­mouth Har­bour beyond the bank of bougainvil­leas.

The Cot­tage

Fully screened and fur­nished with a wrought iron king size four poster bed, mahogany bed­side tables and a ceil­ing fan, this cot­tage is set above the pool.
The cot­tage also has its open en-​suite bath­room and dress­ing room and a wrap around veran­dah com­plete with com­fort­able chairs.
Even the toi­let has a view!

The Gar­den Apart­ment

Stone stair­case leads down to the com­pletely sep­a­rate gar­den apart­ment com­pris­ing of:
• Out­door cov­ered sit­ting room and din­ing area&
• Bed­room with either wrought iron queen size bed or twin beds
• En-​suite shower room
• Fully fit­ted Kitchen
All with the beau­ti­ful views over Fal­mouth Har­bour, the Caribbean Sea and the sur­round­ing lush trop­i­cal gardens.

Sea­sonal Prices.



One Week

5 bed­rooms (10 people)

Win­ter — Dec.10th — May 7th

US$ 8,500.00

5 bed­rooms (10 people)

Sum­mer — May 8th — Dec. 9th

US$ 7,000.00

4 bed­rooms (8 people)

Win­ter — Dec.10th — May 7th

US$ 7,000.00

4 bed­rooms (8 people)

Sum­mer — May 8th — Dec. 9th

US$ 5,160.00

ANTIGUA RACE WEEKS (CLAS­SIC AND SAIL­ING) AND CHRIST­MAS BOOK­INGS: Spe­cial rates and con­di­tions apply. Please con­tact us for fur­ther details.

Prices effec­tive Jan 1 2018 , and are sub­ject to change with­out notice. Ameni­ties sup­plied to be con­firmed in writ­ing. All prices are US$.



Gen­eral Ameni­ties
  • Cable TV
    Exte­rior Ameni­ties
    • Swim­ming Pool
    • Garage
    • Land­scap­ing
    • Open Deck
    • Cov­ered Patio
    • Gazebo

    Addi­tional Info

    Beds: 5
    Baths: 4
    Lot Acres: 2
    Year Built: 1999

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