Tur­tle Point $10,825.00/Week

Images (17)

 Turtle Point


Beds 4
Baths 5
Ft2 3,900
Lot Acres 0.6
Year Built 2011


This lux­u­ri­ous res­i­dence is set in the exclu­sive Non­such Bay Resort, located on the south east­ern cor­ner of Antigua. A truly excep­tional four-​bedroom villa, which offers the ulti­mate in lux­ury liv­ing, is sit­u­ated on a total plot of 0.6 acres. The build­ing itself was com­pleted in 2011 and com­prises a 3,900 sqft inte­rior along­side a 2,950 sqft deck.

The inte­rior has been impres­sively designed down to the small­est detail, includ­ing Villeroy & Boch and Dorn­bracht plumb­ing in the four bath­rooms and two pow­der rooms and a gor­geous open plan Poggen­pohl gourmet kitchen com­plete with Leib­herr appliances.

All floors and walls are adorned in Ital­ian mar­ble, per­fectly enhanc­ing the sump­tu­ous sur­round­ings. Addi­tion­ally the prop­erty includes a laundry/​utility room and a cov­ered garage. How­ever, the focal point of this villa has to be its truly spec­tac­u­lar infin­ity edge swim­ming pool, with breath­tak­ing views across the bay.

The resort of Non­such Bay is an envi­able loca­tion for your Caribbean home. Embraced by 40 acres of lush trop­i­cal veg­e­ta­tion, it invites you to expe­ri­ence the true essence of Caribbean liv­ing. The resort exudes an air of opu­lence and pro­vides a host of facil­i­ties includ­ing the out­stand­ing Bay Restau­rant, in-​room spa facil­i­ties, child­care ser­vices, a vari­ety of water sports and sev­eral com­mu­nal pools.

The bay is home to a vari­ety of wildlife includ­ing dol­phins and tur­tles and its two square miles of enclosed waters are pro­tected from the open sea by a bar­rier reef.

The warm trade winds pro­vide out­stand­ing sail­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties and you are only a short boat ride away from the unin­hab­ited Green Island, a des­ig­nated marine and nature reserve. Close by is Har­mony Hall which exhibits the finest local and Caribbean art and also boasts a fan­tas­tic restaurant.

Sea­sonal Prices

Weekly Nightly
04 Jan — 14 May US$ 12,850.00 US$ 2,040.00
15 May — 15 Nov US$ 10,825.00 US$ 1,718.00
16 Nov — 17 Dec US$12,850.00 US$ 2,040.00
18 Dec — 03 Jan US$ 16,200.00 US$ 2,571.00

1 – The above rates include a maid to clean, a housekeeper/​cook who is avail­able to pre­pare break­fast and either lunch or din­ner for the guests 6 out of every 7 days and a pool man. The staff have one day off per week – they are flex­i­ble and can work around the guests as to which day they take.
2 – Food and drinks are not included in the rental fee – the house­keeper will pur­chase any gro­ceries that the clients require and present them with the receipts for imme­di­ate pay­ment in cash.
3 – A refund­able secu­rity deposit of USD$1,500 is required and this is returned back to the guests once they have vacated the prop­erty and all is fine.
4 – For stays of less than 7 nights the NIGHLY rate is applicable.



Gen­eral Ameni­ties
  • Cable TV
    Exte­rior Ameni­ties
    • Swim­ming Pool
    • Garage
    • Land­scap­ing
    • Open Deck
    • Cov­ered Patio

    Addi­tional Info

    Beds: 4
    Baths: 5
    Ft2: 3,900
    Lot Acres: 0.6
    Year Built: 2011

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