Villa 331C $750.00/Week

Images (21)

  Villa 331C


Beds 2
Baths 2


Villa 331C is a beau­ti­ful two storey, two bed­room water­front villa, located on the North Fin­ger of Jolly Har­bour which offers a spec­tac­u­lar view of the Marina.

The ground floor has a lovely fully equipped kitchen, liv­ing and din­ing area. The liv­ing room is beau­ti­fully fur­nished offer­ing ameni­ties such Cable T.V and Inter­net access. Lead­ing from the liv­ing area you step right onto a com­fort­able deck area a sun awning, sun loungers, out­side fur­ni­ture, BBQ grill and not for­get­ting the beau­ti­ful sun­sets. There is also a boat mooring.

On the upper floor of the villa there are two bed­rooms. The mas­ter bed­room has a com­fort­able queen size bed and a pri­vate bal­cony with sun awning where the nice Caribbean breeze caresses your face. The sec­ond bed­room pro­vides a nice and airy atmos­phere and is fur­nished with a com­fort­able queen size bed.
Accom­mo­da­tion Type: Self Cater­ing

Theme: Hol­i­day Complex


Low Sea­son
15 May — 15 Nov.

High Sea­son
16 Nov. — 14 May
Sail­ing Week 2018
Apr. 28 –May 4th
18 Dec. — 3 Jan.
US$ 750.00 US$ 850.00 US$ 900.00 US$ 900.00



Gen­eral Ameni­ties
  • Air Con
    Exte­rior Ameni­ties
    • Open Deck
    • Cov­ered Patio
    • Boat Slip

    Addi­tional Info

    Beds: 2
    Baths: 2

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