Col­ibri Court No. 4 $1,750.00/Week

Images (19)

  Colibri Court No. 4


Beds 3
Baths 2


Sit­u­ated on the Golf Course of Jolly Har­bour, is Col­ibri Court, a 4 star Apart­ment Com­plex. In all here are six, 3 bed­room, apart­ments each with spa­cious pri­vate ter­races. The Apart­ments each cover just over 2000sqft of liv­ing space.

As you enter the apart­ment you are in the din­ing area which has a six seater din­ing table and on the left is a mod­ern kitchen kit­ted out with all the nec­es­sary appli­ances, includ­ing dish washer, fridge freeze, hob/​oven, microwave , wash­ing machine and dryer.

The liv­ing room is com­fort­able and bright with a sep­a­rate room lead­ing to the out­side patio which is laid out as an office, but is in fact the fourth bed­room, great for fam­ily vis­it­ing or a children’s play room. There is a cor­ri­dor off to the right of the liv­ing room where bed­rooms 2 and 3 are to be found, both have large patio win­dows with pleas­ant views. Both rooms have queen beds and lovely Caribbean linens. There is a large bath­room shared by these two bedrooms.

On the left hand side of the liv­ing area is the Mas­ter Bed­room. A beau­ti­fully dec­o­rated bed­room with colo­nial style fin­ishes and a king bed. The mas­ter bath­room is en-​suite and has a rain shower.

Each apart­ment has dif­fer­ent fur­nish­ing which are all beau­ti­fully done and fin­ished to a high stan­dard. They each have park­ing for two cars, cable TV and free insur­ance for the first 3 months.

The com­mu­nal swim­ming pool is large and has enough space for over 25 sun beds. There are also com­mu­nal toi­lets by the swim­ming pool.

All Apart­ments have views of the golf course and the top floor also has views of the harbour.

These units are avail­able for long term or short term rental.

Long Term Rentals – Min 12 month con­tract, 2500USD a month, plus com­mu­nity charge 280USD per month, plus water and elec­tric­ity.
Near­est Bar/​Restaurant: 5 min­utes walk

Near­est Super­mar­ket: 5 min­utes walk

Accom­mo­da­tion Type: Self Cater­ing

Theme: Hol­i­day Com­plex

Air Con­di­tion­ing: No

Water: Pri­vate water sup­ply

Near­est Air­port: 25 min­utes drive

Inter­net Access: Wire­less Inter­net (Wi-​Fi)


15.May — 15.Nov. 16.Nov. — 14.May Christmas/​Sailing Week
US$ 1,750.00 US$ 2,000.00 US$ 2,500.00



Gen­eral Ameni­ties
  • Cable TV
  • Inter­net
Inte­rior Ameni­ties
  • Cen­tral Air
    Exte­rior Ameni­ties
    • Swim­ming Pool
    • Cov­ered Patio

    Addi­tional Info

    Beds: 3
    Baths: 2

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